Many people find themselves curious on what to wear for their engagement session. As a professional photographer, I have seen quite the array of different looks. This is why I am here to share my best tips on what to wear for your engagement session!
Engagement sessions are such a fun way to express who you and your
spouse to be are as a couple. Gone are the days of cheesy stages poses,
though I will probably make you do a few of those too! When I shoot an
engagement session I strive to make it fun and personable. But sometimes
choosing what to wear can be daunting. I recommend bringing 2-4 outfits
for your session to give you a variety of photos!
Tip #1:
First, even though you are going to be extremely dressed up for your
wedding, let’s plan on grabbing your best heels or bow tie and take
photos of you being twirled around by your love. I love when a dress can
bring volume to a photo! When you are dressed up its usually a good idea
to bring some champagne props too.
Tip #2:
Second, let’s go casual. I want you to feel comfortable together and in
front of my lens but more importantly I want to capture you two being cute
and cozy! This is a good opportunity to wear your cozy oversized sweater
and boots or even a pair of cut off shorts with a bikini. I want to capture
you in what you truly like to wear!
Tip #3:
My third tip is a general tip versus an outfit suggestion, but wear colors
and patterns that not only compliment each other but compliment your
setting. Check out this outfit that truly compliments the setting of this engagement session.
Depending on your season you and your fiancé should find colors
to not only not clash with your scenery but also stand out among it.
If you simply can’t decide on what to wear and are one of my clients, I can
totally help give you recommendations! I have a whole list of options as
well as a pretty spectacular client closet. Let’s chat about your vision and I
will help you achieve your dream look!
The bottom line is I will photograph you in whatever you would like to
wear, I just want to capture all the love and get you ready for your wedding

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